We started with fair-trade cacao, grind in-house and blend with our exlcusive-recipe Directions: Mix 1 tbsp. Mexican Hot Chocolate per 6 oz. of milk or water Find out WHY the LA Times Listed us in their piece on "The 4 Places in LA to Find Great Mexican Hot Chocolate."
Directions: Mix 1 tbsp. Mexican Hot Chocolate per 6 oz. of milk or water
"The Mexican hot chocolate here pairs deliciously with hojarascan — little Mexican cinnamon cookies with the texture of sablés. Dunk these in the decadent, frothy, cinnamon-flavored chocolate for a unique bite that you won’t find anywhere else in town..." - Amy Scattergood, LA Times
"The Mexican hot chocolate and mocha have just the right amount of spice and sweetness.."- Trip Advisor