Many households have their own recipe, some with bananas, others with nuts. It's a recipe special for springtime in many Catholic households throughout Mexico and the United States, going back generations! With so many variations, it's no wonder people are left asking – where exactly does it come from? Is there one truly authentic way to make it?
Originally, the Capirotada was a savory dish! In Medieval Spain, even stale bread was put to good use. Used in dry soup dishes, the bread base became known as the "Capirotada" after the “caps” worn in religious context. Following the name, the ingredients began to hold symbolic and religious meaning.
Once the recipe came to Mexico, the Capirotada started taking the form of a dessert. The bread of the capirotada representing the body of Christ, the syrup representing the blood, the cloves and cinnamon representing the nails and wood of the cross.
Stale Spanish bread became Mexican bolillos, European mulled syrup became piloncillo, and a variety of local fruits would be added. Some recipes would later incorporate local meats or cheeses, while others remained meatless for the purpose of Lent.
Of course nowadays, there's much more flavor and many more varieties than its humble origins. What better way to kick off Lent and your meatless Fridays, than with a bit of a celebration in the form of our new Capirotada Bread Cake? (Major Pro-tip: serve the cake at room temperature for the best, most delicious results!)